Accurate.Video Timeline


A timeline is a set of timespans describing the timeline. Each timespan describes one segment for one track and channel on the timeline.

Segment timespan

Each segment timespan should have the following data:

  • type must be timeline
  • start should reference the inpoint on the timeline
  • end should reference the outpoint on the timeline

Metadata parameters:

Parameter Type Description
track-type String The timeline track type, e.g. V.
track String The timeline track for the segment, e.g. V0.
z-index Integer Z index of the segment on the timeline track, higher number means higher priority.
source-file-id String Id of the file in AV to use as source.
source-asset-id String Id of the asset which the source references.
source-track String The referenced track of the specified source asset.
source-channel String The referenced channel of the specified source track.
source-in Integer Inpoint in the source material to use for the segment, in flicks.
source-out Integer Outpoint in the source material to use for the segment, in flicks.
target-track String The track which an export targets.
source-rate-drop-frame Boolean Flag that declares whether the associated video source uses drop frame.

Internal metadata parameters:

Parameter Type Description
id String Id that is unique for each segment (timespan).
group-id String Id that has been applied to group multiple segments (currently not in use).
layer-id String Id that reflects each timeline row, with the exception of muxed audio rows.
link-id String Id that reflects a synchronized relationship between segments on different layers.
linked Boolean Flag that declares whether the segment is actively linked to other segments with the same link-id.
Validate: Editable metadata user guide