Accurate.Video - Release Notes

Here you can find release notes regarding all Accurate Video products. Each release note will tell you highlights in each version, what's new and what's been fixed.


Released 2024-07-03
  • Fix intermittent player error when using track extractor
Release notes



  • Validate: fix timeline tooltip displaying incorrect marker timecode for assets with offset
  • Validate: fix intermittent player error when using track extractor
  • Validate: improve behavior of autocomplete form field
  • Validate: fix border around selected markers

Full Artefact Version List

Accurate.Video Frontend: 5.21.1
Accurate.Video PostgreSQL Adapter: 5.21.1
Accurate.Video Vidispine Adapter: 5.21.1
Accurate.Video Jobs: 5.21.1
Accurate.Video Analyze: 5.21.1


Released 2024-06-25
  • JIT playback support in Validate
Release notes



  • Validate: Add support for JIT playback
  • Marker style can now be individually configured per marker, not just on track level


  • ⚠️ Frame accuracy in Firefox >= 115
    A change in Firefox was introduced in version 115 which caused the player to report incorrect frames when playing mp4 files containing edit lists, thus causing the player to not be frame accurate.

    Version 5.21.0 fixes this issue which means that if:
    • Running Firefox >= 115 you need Accurate.Video version 5.21.0 or higher to get correct frame accuracy.
    • Running Firefox < 115 you have to run Accurate.Video < 5.21.0 in order to get correct frame accuracy.

  • ⚠️ Frame accuracy in Safari
    Version 5.21.0 improves frame accuracy in Safari

  • Elements supporting dragging actions no longer causes text to be selected
  • When copying a marker, any metadata compliant with the destination track will be copied
  • Negative video stream duration is now considered invalid and will not be used
  • Marker metadata is now properly cleared when deleting corresponding value in the marker form

Full Artefact Version List

Accurate.Video Frontend: 5.21.0
Accurate.Video PostgreSQL Adapter: 5.21.0
Accurate.Video Vidispine Adapter: 5.21.0
Accurate.Video Jobs: 5.21.0
Accurate.Video Analyze: 5.21.0


Released 2024-05-27
  • Player no longer hangs when receiving a network error upon loading video file
Release notes



  • Player no longer hangs when receiving a network error upon loading video file. E.g. when presigned url expires.

Full Artefact Version List

Accurate.Video Frontend: 5.20.3


Released 2024-05-07
  • Fix in Vidispine Adapter
  • Fix in Accurate.Video
Release notes



  • Copied markers now properly copies all metadata.

Vidispine Adapter


  • Adapter now properly handles creating markers, placing them on the correct timecodes.

Full Artefact Version List

Accurate.Video Frontend: 5.20.2

Accurate.Video Vidispine Adapter: 5.20.2


Released 2024-04-23
  • Minor fix in Vidispine Adapter
Release notes



  • Waveform data could end up on the wrong track/channel when using waveform files generated with audiowaveform due do a race condition when processing the files.

Vidispine Adapter


  • Adapter now handles items with missing container components

Full Artefact Version List

Accurate.Video Frontend: 5.20.1

Accurate.Video Vidispine Adapter: 5.20.1


Released 2024-04-23
  • Add support for ITT and Lambda CAP subtitle formats
  • Add setting to control player seek strategy
Release notes




  • Add support for ITT and Lambda CAP subtitle formats
  • Add hotkey for going to previous marker row (ctrl/cmd+shift+R)
  • Add possibility to set default track for marker creation
  • Add setting to control player seek strategy


  • Creating a marker, undoing and redoing now properly recreates the marker with the same timecode
  • Creating markers on read-only tracks is now prevented
  • Remove unnecessary call to list assets when loading Validate
  • Now support waveform files (bbc format) that are shorter than the video duration
  • Marker group and track settings block with alwaysShow set to true is no longer valid if id is null or undefined
  • Subtitles are now removed correctly when switching proxy
  • File audio routing is now properly read from metadata if set
  • Custom forms with date and time fields now show the correct initial value
  • Changing start time or audio offset in media tab no longer opens marker form when marker is selected
  • It is now possible to paste marker that starts at 00:00:00:00
  • Language set on virtual track audio profile is now properly stored when saving profile



  • The program player now seeks to the last frame of the added segments

Full Artefact Version List

Accurate.Video Frontend: 5.20.0


Released 2024-02-20
  • Add way to specify custom metadata on audio and subtitle tracks in multi-track video proxies
  • Support for Poster in Accurate.Video launch template architecture
Release notes


Accurate.Video launch template architecture now supports the Poster application

Read more about it here:



  • Added way to specify custom metadata on audio/subtitle tracks in multi-track video proxies


  • Copy/Paste buttons are now disabled when those actions are not available
  • Set inpoint/Set outpoint buttons are now disabled when those actions are not available
  • Current time is now persisted when a multi-track video file is detached or reloaded
  • Detached window now properly displays video loading indicator
  • Fix issue where not all video and audio streams were showing in the Metadata tab, only the first of each was shown
  • Fix issue with TTML/IMSC cues disappearing when identical in appearance
  • The horizontal scrollbar in the marker table no longer steals focus from the volume slider when they overlap
  • Marker table cog wheel is no longer hidden when settings menu of the table is open
  • Muxed audio was included in timeline even though video lacked muxed audio
  • Time codes no longer being cut off in split view in the Markers tab
  • Now shows error notification when trying to play from main window while in detached mode
  • The Edit Marker form is now focused when opened
  • Timespan subtitles are now loaded even when fetching the timespans takes a long time
  • When copying a marker to a new location, player no longer seeks to the old location




  • Increase the contrast on non-active Poster navigation items to increase readability
  • Snapshots can no longer be taken while the player is seeking

Full Artefact Version List

Accurate.Video Frontend: 5.19.0


Released 2024-01-16
  • Edit EDL export fixed
Release notes



  • Fix bug where Edit failed to export EDL

Full Artefact Version List

Accurate.Video Frontend: 5.18.1


Released 2023-11-28
  • Launch Template Architecture
Release notes


Accurate.Video launch template architecture is now live, supporting Validate and Edit, making it easier than ever to integrate Accurate.Video in your workflow

Read more about it here:



  • Launch template architecture. Try Validate:
    Accurate.Video Validate
  • MetadataField property 'source' is now optional and has 'metadata' as default value
  • ExpectedMetadata.comparison property 'type' is now optional, implicitly "boolean"


  • Player hotkeys stopped working when clicking checkbox in audio routing



Full Artefact Version List

Accurate.Video Frontend: 5.18.0


Released 2023-10-17
  • Bugfixes
Release notes



  • Fixed analyze settings block being added to settings even though ANALYZE_URL environment variable was not set

Full Artefact Version List

Accurate.Video Frontend: 5.17.2
Accurate.Video PostgreSQL Adapter: 5.17.0
Accurate.Video Jobs: 5.17.0
Accurate.Video Analyze: 5.17.1
Accurate.Video Keycloak: 5.4.1
Accurate.Video Vidispine Adapter: 5.17.0


Released 2023-09-19
  • Added PAC support to Validate
Release notes



  • Added setting timeline.waveforms.visibility to allow hiding or disabling of waveforms
  • Added setting under timeline.waveforms specifically for files, allowing you to skip the fallback to analyze or vidispine waveforms
  • Added support for PAC subtitle format


  • Seek to in/out and loop actions are now allowed for subtitle cues as well
  • Handle audio files where the audio stream is missing information about duration
  • Show prompt with clear error when license validation fails
  • When selecting a marker in timeline the marker edit form now stays open
  • The "No metadata" message is no longer shown in the metadata tab if the field set is not configured in settings
  • Failing to create a marker no longer freezes marker form
  • Timeline row titles no longer gets cut off when the row is read only


  • Deprecated the keycloak auth method in favor of oidc auth method. See documentation. oidc auth settings now require authority, client_id and redirect_uri to be set

Vidispine Adapter


  • Fixed issue setting labels on posters
  • Fixed poster timecode handling



  • Added oidc support

Full Artefact Version List

Accurate.Video Frontend: 5.17.0
Accurate.Video PostgreSQL Adapter: 5.17.0
Accurate.Video Jobs: 5.17.0
Accurate.Video Analyze: 5.17.1
Accurate.Video Keycloak: 5.4.1
Accurate.Video Vidispine Adapter: 5.17.0


Released 2023-08-04
  • Seek to in/out and loop controls now work for subtitle markers as well.
Release notes



  • Seek to in/out and loop controls now work for subtitle markers as well.
  • Marker tab was opened when changing dropframe while having a marker selected.



  • Project title disappeared when saving segments to Vidispine.

Full Artefact Version List

Accurate.Video Frontend: 5.16.2
Accurate.Video PostgreSQL Adapter: 5.16.0
Accurate.Video Jobs: 5.16.0
Accurate.Video Analyze: 5.13.0
Accurate.Video Keycloak: 5.4.1
Accurate.Video Vidispine Adapter: 5.16.0


Released 2023-05-16
  • Added STL and SRT support to Validate
  • Audio routing is now possible in Validate when using more than two audio output channels
Release notes



  • Added support for STL and SRT subtitles.
  • Added setting apps.validate.maxOutputChannelCount allowing routing with more than two output channels if hardware supports it.
  • AdBreak marker form: It is now possible to save and close the ad break marker form by using ctrl/cmd + enterThis is the same functionality already available in the General marker form.


  • Asset status is now selectable even when only a single option is defined.
  • The setting settings.apps.validate.features.markers set to false not longer hides markers from timeline and marker tab, but instead display them but is read only, as the documentation states.
  • If there is only one asset present we do not show the asset title as a heading under the discrete audio section.
  • Audio state no longer resets when creating or updating markers.
  • The dropdown toggle, safe area select and tabs in Edit, Poster and Validate now blurs correctly on click in both Chrome and FireFox.


  • Disable marker filter cogwheel when there is nothing to filter.
  • The dropdown toggle, safe area select and tabs in Edit, Poster and Validate now blurs correctly on click in both Chrome and FireFox.


  • The dropdown toggle, safe area select and tabs in Edit, Poster and Validate now blurs correctly on click in both Chrome and FireFox.

Full Artefact Version List

Accurate.Video Frontend: 5.16.0
Accurate.Video PostgreSQL Adapter: 5.16.0
Accurate.Video Jobs: 5.16.0
Accurate.Video Analyze: 5.13.0
Accurate.Video Keycloak: 5.4.1
Accurate.Video Vidispine Adapter: 5.16.0


Released 2023-04-27
  • Fixes
Release notes



  • Fixed a smaller issue when switching between assets.

PostgreSQL Adapter


  • Fixed swagger documentation HTML injection vulnerability (Updated swagger-ui to 4.11.0)

Vidispine Adapter


  • Allow multiple shape-tags in sequence segments. Fixes some issues with Edit together with Vidispine.

Accurate.Video Frontend: 5.15.1
Accurate.Video PostgreSQL Adapter: 5.15.1
Accurate.Video Jobs: 5.15.1
Accurate.Video Analyze: 5.13.0
Accurate.Video Keycloak: 5.4.1
Accurate.Video Vidispine Adapter: 5.15.1


Released 2023-03-14
  • Validate: Improvements to Audio Meter settings and marker selection behavior
Release notes



  • Audio meter settings are persisted in and fetched from local storage.


  • When using the free text filter to filter markers the disabled marker selected state is now persisted.
  • When bulk selecting markers in the timeline disabled markers will not be included in the selection.
  • When deselecting a subset of markers the focus and/or anchor marker will be removed if they are included in the subset.
  • Using hotkeys after toggling audio using mute and solo buttons in timeline now properly works.
  • Timespan subtitle enabled state no longer reset when switching language on subtitles or audio.
  • Marker tab now properly shows the correct color for breaks, start & end.



  • The image resolution is now properly obtained from the original file

Full Artefact Version List

Accurate.Video Frontend: 5.15.0
Accurate.Video PostgreSQL Adapter: 5.15.0
Accurate.Video Jobs: 5.15.0
Accurate.Video Analyze: 5.13.0
Accurate.Video Keycloak: 5.4.1
Accurate.Video Vidispine Adapter: 5.15.0