
Released 2022-01-25
  • Timeline component improvements
  • Visual guidelines in the VU meter
Release notes




  • ApTimelineRangeSelect: Added property that can be used to toggle the visibility of the grabbable handles.
  • ApTimelineMarker:
    • Added optional disabled state. A disabled marker has no hover or selected state, is not clickable and have default opacity: 0.1
    • Added optional new behavior to MarkerApi nextMarker and previousMarker to be able to wrap the list of markers so that if the next marker can't be found after the current one it will start from the beginning of the marker list and the other way around for previousMarker call.
  • ApTimelineWaveform:
    • Added property loading. Set to true to show a loading indicator on top of the waveform.
    • Added property error that can be used to set an error message. The error will be shown on top of the waveform. If the loading indicator is active at the same time it will take precedence.
    • Added property warning that can be used to set a warning message. The warning will be shown on top of the waveform. If the loading indicator or error message is set at the same time it will take precedence.
    • The apDataRequest callback now reports more metadata about why it was called. A third argument was added that includes information about what ranges of data that are currently missing and what ranges that do not meet the score threshold requirements.
    • Added api method api.resetIgnoreRanges() that can be used to clear what ranges of data that are ignored.
  • ApAudioMeterBasic/ApAudioMeter:
    • Added property guidelineThresholds that makes it possible to add visual guideline thresholds to the VU meter. The guidelines can be used to verify that the audio levels are within range.