
Released 2022-01-25
  • Marker selection in Edit
  • Virtual tracks in Validate
  • Marker table improvements in Validate
Release notes



  • Markers can now be selected in bulk
    • Timeline segments can now be generated from selected markers.
    • Timeline segments can now be generated excluding selected markers.
  • Support for switching operation mode between insert and overwrite.
    • When holding ALT segment actions will be executed in the opposite timeline operation mode.



  • Added user preference for showing total marker duration in the marker tab.
  • Virtual tracks: New feature that makes it possible to create audio tracks that span file boundaries. Read more about this feature in the technical documentation and user guide.
  • The audio tab now includes solo and mute buttons for channels and tracks as well as channel labels
  • Marker table
    • What marker data to show in the table is now configurable via settings and columns can be enabled/disabled via the UI. This makes it easy to customize the marker table to show any metadata stored on the marker. Read more in the technical documentation
    • Expanded search to cover all enabled columns in the marker table.
  • Go to the next marker / Go to the previous marker now wraps around to the start/end marker on the row.


  • Marker tooltips are now centered.
  • Fixed alignment of row header buttons and show them on hover.
  • Clicking an already selected marker will deselect the marker, close edit form and clear the in- and out points.
  • Fixed issue with opening/closing tracks in the timeline.
  • Fixed bug which caused all VU meters to be hidden when disabling muxed audio.
  • Elements should no longer overflow in the audio tab.

Postgres Adapter

  • Now supports reading local storages by creating signed URLs.