
Released 2024-04-23
  • Add support for ITT and Lambda CAP subtitle formats
  • Add setting to control player seek strategy
Release notes




  • Add support for ITT and Lambda CAP subtitle formats
  • Add hotkey for going to previous marker row (ctrl/cmd+shift+R)
  • Add possibility to set default track for marker creation
  • Add setting to control player seek strategy


  • Creating a marker, undoing and redoing now properly recreates the marker with the same timecode
  • Creating markers on read-only tracks is now prevented
  • Remove unnecessary call to list assets when loading Validate
  • Now support waveform files (bbc format) that are shorter than the video duration
  • Marker group and track settings block with alwaysShow set to true is no longer valid if id is null or undefined
  • Subtitles are now removed correctly when switching proxy
  • File audio routing is now properly read from metadata if set
  • Custom forms with date and time fields now show the correct initial value
  • Changing start time or audio offset in media tab no longer opens marker form when marker is selected
  • It is now possible to paste marker that starts at 00:00:00:00
  • Language set on virtual track audio profile is now properly stored when saving profile



  • The program player now seeks to the last frame of the added segments

Full Artefact Version List

Accurate.Video Frontend: 5.20.0