
Released 2023-03-14
  • Validate: Improvements to Audio Meter settings and marker selection behavior
Release notes



  • Audio meter settings are persisted in and fetched from local storage.


  • When using the free text filter to filter markers the disabled marker selected state is now persisted.
  • When bulk selecting markers in the timeline disabled markers will not be included in the selection.
  • When deselecting a subset of markers the focus and/or anchor marker will be removed if they are included in the subset.
  • Using hotkeys after toggling audio using mute and solo buttons in timeline now properly works.
  • Timespan subtitle enabled state no longer reset when switching language on subtitles or audio.
  • Marker tab now properly shows the correct color for breaks, start & end.



  • The image resolution is now properly obtained from the original file

Full Artefact Version List

Accurate.Video Frontend: 5.15.0
Accurate.Video PostgreSQL Adapter: 5.15.0
Accurate.Video Jobs: 5.15.0
Accurate.Video Analyze: 5.13.0
Accurate.Video Keycloak: 5.4.1
Accurate.Video Vidispine Adapter: 5.15.0