
Released 2022-11-08
  • Added support for playing SCC subtitles.
  • Subtitles can now be extracted from MP4 files just like audio.
Release notes


  • DiscreteAudioPlugin: Added api isMaxLimitReached and isEnablePossible(id: string)
  • mse:
    • Added track title block list option to filter out bad names
    • TrackExtractor.getTracks now returns VttSubtitle- (VttSubtitlePlugin), TTMLFileReference- (ImscSubtitlePlugin) and SccSubtitle (SccSubtitlePlugin) objects that can be loaded directly in the respective plugins.
  • probe: Extend getMediaInfo with subtitleTrackCount, indicating the number of muxed subtitle tracks in the file
  • Subtitle plugins: Added support to load subtitles asynchronous by supplying a SubtitleSource object as "src"
  • SccSubtitlePlugin: Added new plugin that can be used to load SCC subtitles


  • AP Controls: Controls now shows controls for all subtitles, even when imsc subtitles are loaded
  • ImscSubtitlePlugin: Improved error handling for parse errors
  • ProgressivePlayer: Fixed bug in getCurrentTime resulted in frameOffset not being applied.
  • TrackExtractor
    • Fixed issue that caused track to get stuck in loading state when seeking near the end
    • Fixed bug in Safari that caused audio to disappear when seeking in the video
  • SubtitlePlugin: The plugin now uses <track> elements instead of .addTextTrack to avoid a Chrome bug that caused subtitles to show even though they were disabled
  • VttSubtitlePlugin: Fixed issue where vtt subtitle plugin interfered with track elements not created by the plugin itself