
Released 2021-02-01
  • Added support for pre-signed URLs in plugins
Release notes











  • AudioScrubPlugin: Added support for when pre-signed urls are changed.
  • ChannelControlPlugin: Additional events to detect web audio related events.
  • DiscreteAudioPlugin: Added presigned-url support, you can now provide a updateSrc callback property that is used to provide the plugin with the updated url for the audio track in case the audio track produces a network error.
  • DiscreteAudioPlugin: Added "id" property to DiscreteAudioTrack that will be used as identifier, url used as default.
  • ImscSubtitlePlugin: Added compatibility tools.
  • PointPlugin: Possibility to register custom point validation
    • Added default validator to validate that in point is set before the out point.
    • Added interface to allow for writing custom validators.


  • AbrPlayer: Bug when switching video representation sometimes not responsive.
  • AudioScrubPlugin: Set volume of scrub audio on player volume change.
  • Controls: IMSC subtitles not detected in some edge cases.
  • DiscreteAudioPlugin: Moved initial load after event listeners are added to the audio element to allow catching errors on the initial load.